Free Flights for Solo Trumpet.
I am pleased to announce the availability of my Free Flights for Solo Trumpet. Below are my comments regarding the piece:
One advantage of writing a work for a solo instrument is that the instrument doesn’t need to justify itself in a texture with other instruments. Thus the instrument can function freely, much like a hawk floats through the sky or a person on a hand glider floats freely through the air. Free Flights for Solo Trumpet is in four brief movements each in reference to the movement of a body through the air.
In I. ‘Floating freely’. I try to capture the motion of a glider floating lightly through the air. In 2, ‘With velocity’, is in reference to a jet streaking through the sky. ‘With Repose’ refers to the flight of a raptor such as a hawk effortlessly riding the thermals on a summer afternoon. The piece ends with ‘Fleeting’. Here I imagine a flock of doves rushing home as the sun sets at days end. Free Flights is around 8:30 minutes in length.
Here is a sample page so you may get a quick peek at the piece:
Freedom Flights – Tpt. samp.-PDF
Kindly contact me to purchase a full score of Free Flights: